Thursday, June 25, 2009

Puzzle #25 or "The Producers Does Not Take the Cake"

Watched “The Producers” last night and it was alright. There were some great moments and some good lines. Will Ferrell was fantastic. The guy who played Hitler was brilliant (Gary Beach). But, overall, I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m sure it’s great as a live musical in the theater. I did not know that there is also a 1968 film with Gene Wilder. I absolutely have to see that one…in the queue.

Puzzle #25 – completed with an error. The error was in 69 across, “Horses of a certain color” (ROANS) and 51 down, “Mideast’s Gulf of ____” (AQABA). I had that last a as a u, so rouns and Aqabu. You can see a map of the Gulf of Aqaba here. It's that other one on the other side of the Sinai Penninsula from the Gulf of Suez.

Clues I was happy to see were:

1 across, “Frank ___, leader of the Mothers of Invention.” ZAPPA of course. And, it was puzzle #19 that taught me that this was Zappa’s band.

61 across, “Be a lulu.” TAKE THE CAKE. It was puzzle #16 that taught me that lulu means “one that is remarkable or wonderful.”

Answers I got but don’t really know are:

6 across, “High Ottoman official.” PASHA. WikiP tells me it is the equivalent of the British title “Lord.”

16 across, “Lode deposit.” ORE. I got that I was ore, but I haven’t heard the word lode before. MW says lode means, 1. Waterway 2. An ore deposit 3. Something that resembles a lode; and abundant store.

41 down, “Actor Mineo.” SAL. WikiP tells me that he was in Rebel Without a Cause…omg, another classic that I have not seen. Queued. Sal Mineo was murdered when he was 37. You can read more here.

47 down, “Polish Nobelist Walesa.” LECH. He was President of Poland from 1990 – 1995. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 – looks like for his work in organizing trade unions in Poland. He was arrested in 1981 and was in prison for 11 months.

57 down, “Trick-taking game with 32 cards.” SKAT. I have not heard of skat, but apparently it is huge in Germany and Silesia.

That’s it. Off to watch more of my husband’s Netflix picks so I can get some of mine in the rotation
Wait! I just realized that I'm halfway through the Mondays! Yay!


  1. Have you seen [Lulu] = ONER yet? Klassic Krossword stuff. ONER is like a cockroach. It will outlive us all.


  2. No, I have not seen that. Thanks for the tip - I think I'll be able to remember it. Oner - one - the only one left.

    Thanks Rex!
