Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday Puzzle #1 Cont. or "Agra Peas are Yummy"

At this rate, I'm going to be doing one puzzle per week. I am a bit disappointed in how many words I don't know in just the first puzzle. But, I suppose getting the other clues to fill in the answers I don't know is just part of crossword puzzling? But, I still want to be able to answer those...especially since these are the easy puzzles.

As I mentioned in the last post, Agra (Taj Mahal site) is one I see all of the time. So, I Googled Agra and the Taj Mahal, just to learn a little bit more about both. But, I only spent a minute or so doing that because I think I'll remember this next time - mainly because I remembered a pre-packaged dinner we used to get that I really liked - Agra Peas from Tasty Bite. Mmmm.

Next one that got filled in because of other answers was 7 down, "Basic rhyme scheme." ABAB. Ok.

Another was "actor Milo" - answer is O'Shea. Never heard of him. Apparently he is an Irish character actor born in 1926. HOWEVER, I totally recognize the photo of him playing Friar Laurence in Romeo & Juliet (1968). AND, I was tickled to see that he played Dr. Durand Durand in Barbarella. I was a major Duran Duran fan and my circle of friends thought we were so cool for knowing where the band's name came from...and we felt a little mischievous when we were finally able to see the film.

Ok, back to AMAH, the "Asian nurse." Looks like it could also be ayah. Indian/Hindi for a woman who has been hired to take care of the house/children.

Next, "Ne plus ULTRA." http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ defines it as "The highest point, as of excellence or achievement; the ultimate." Merriam-Webster gives the derivation as New Latin, from 1637, "the highest point capable of being attained." http://www.etymonline.com/ says these words were inscribed on the Pillars of Hercules.

Otto Preminger...never heard of him. 1905 - 1986. I recommend reading about his father on Wikipedia...impressive. But, in a nutshell, Otto was a director known for film noir style mysteries. Received Best Picture Oscar nomination for Anatomy of a Murder (1959). I'll have to add that to my Netflix queue.

Aga - "Old Turkish title." This is another one I see quite a bit. When I Google aga, I get American Gastroenterological Association.

And, finally, another common one - "Poetry Muse." ERATO. From Greek mythology, Erato is one of the Greek muses. She is the muse of lyric poetry - especially love and erotic poetry. (All from Wikipedia).

Well, that's it for Puzzle #1. I know less than I thought I did.

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