Saturday, June 13, 2009

Monday Puzzle #13 or "Veni, Vidi, Vici?"

Lucky #13! AND, it’s the 13th. Creeeepy. Not really, but you look for it where you can.

First of all, this puzzle had “Taj Mahal city” as a clue and I totally got it! (AGRA, reference puzzle #1) So, maybe this project is working at least a little bit.

Also, I completed the puzzle, had no errors, and there are just a few clues/answers that I don’t really know.

9 down, “House that’s for the birds.” I got that it was AVIARY. But, at first I put down APIARY. I changed it to the V when I did 16 across, “Competed.” VIED. But, then I realized that I wasn’t sure what the difference between an apiary and an aviary is. So, looked it up and an apiary is for bees.

29 down, “Leon ____, who wrote Mila 18.” I got URIS. I’ve heard of Leon Uris…not sure if I’ve ever read anything by him. Looked him up and recognize Trinity, but haven’t read it. I read a summary of Mila 18. Not sure if I’ll add it to my reading list just because I’ve been reading a lot about the Holocaust lately and I’m a little bummed out.

50 down, “What V-J Day ended.” Once again, I got WWII. But, I don’t know what V-J Day is. My best friend, Wikipedia, tells me it is Victory over Japan Day and is the name chosen for the day that Japan surrendered. Japan announced the surrender on August 15, 1945. But, the formal signing of the Potsdam Declaration was on Sept 2, 1945. The name is, can be, and has been attached to both dates.

I am feeling boosted and energized as I feel I am getting closer to conquering Mondays.

Ok, off to conquer the front yard and the piles and piles of crap in the house.

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