Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Puzzle #1 or "I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again"

Ugh. This is why I need to do this. First of all - right off the bat - 2 down - "Taj Mahal site". I see that all of the time in crossword puzzles and still don't know it. I ended up getting Agra because of the other answers.

I completed all of the clues that I know (or think I know) and there are quite a few left. I'm going to look at the answers and Google anything of substance to get more information.

39 across - "cheater's aid" four letter word. With the other clues, I have the 2nd & 3rd letters as R & I. So, _ R I _. Cheater's aid...? I have to look at the answer in the back of the book...CRIB. Of course.

That answer gave me the last letter in 26 down - "agreement." I had F A _ T. I thought of FACT, but didn't understand how "agreement" was a clue for "fact." Still don't. I mean, you agree on the facts, but...

On to 29 down - "noisy public speaker." I have T U B T _ _ M P E R. Tub trumper? I don't know...look it up...ok, tubthumper. Never heard of it...gotta Google it. Wikipedia says it is an album by Chumbawamba. Merriam Webster online says "tub-thumper" is from 1662 and is defined as "a vociferous supporter (as of a cause)." says "a speaker or advocate characterized by speech or rhetoric that is passionate, pompous, blustering, etc." Related form is tub-thumping. says tub-thump is "to argue for or promote something vigorously." A tub-thumper is "a noisy or ranting public speaker."

Ahhh - this is what I'm looking for. Question posted: "In a magazine article about Australia, the term tub thumping was used. My students asked me what it meant and I couldn't figure it out. Any idea?" Answer: "Many Americans are more familiar with Bible-thumping, which has much the same sense. The phrase originally referred to a preacher of a type still familiar: one who does so in an aggressive way and who bangs on the pulpit to give emphasis. At the time the expression was first recorded - in the Cromwellian period of English history, roughly the 1650's - the allusion was to nonconformist preachers. There may be a connection here with the literal tub-thumping of an outdoor orator using an inverted tub as an informal lectern, or perhaps the practice of converting washtubs into improvised drums during processions or demonstrations."

That makes sense. A little obscure for a Monday puzzle?

Next one is 40 across, "Yellowish Shade" With the other answers, it's gotta be ocher...but I'm not familiar with that word...look it up...yes, ocher. Merriam Webster - ocher or ochre is "an earthy usually red or yellow and often impure iron ore used as a pigment."

The "r" in ocher filled in the rest of 25 down for me - "Peter who played Mr. Moto." Peter Lorre lived from 1904 to 1964. Born in Hungary. Student of Sigmund Freud. Took refuge in Paris in 1933, then London, discovered by an associate producer tied to Alfred Hitchcock. Went to Hollywood. Starred in a series of Mr. Moto movies in which he played a Japanese detective (all from Wikipedia).

42 across - "Asian nurse." Amah. That ended up giving me 36 down - "oscar winner Jannings." Answer is Emil. Emil Jannings lived from 1884 - 1950, was a Swiss actor, and was the first winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor - which was the first Academy Award ever handed out. Interesting information here about the first awards ceremony.

64 across - "ne plus ____" I have U L _ _ A. ultra? Yup. That gave me 58 down, "director Preminger." Otto. I'll look those two up later.

That fills in all the boxes. I'll take a quick look at the answers to make sure it's all right...oh boy. It's PACT, not FACT. That, of course, makes total sense. That means 26 across, "Hamburger meat" is PATTY, not FATTY. In my defense, I'm going on a diet tomorrow and had a hamburger at lunch as kind of a last subconsciously, I was right.

Man, I was hoping the easy puzzles would be...easy. I have some other clues/answers to look up - ones that I only got because of the other answers. But, definitely too tired to do it tonight.

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